Monday, July 17, 2006

A new start...

As I was peeing in a bathroom in the RDU international airport today, I noticed a piece of bathroom graffiti on the toilet paper dispenser in the handicapped stall (the urinals were all taken, so no lectures about being pee shy or anything like that). I read it, found it interesting that this piece of graffiti was scribbled onto a toilet paper dispenser, and as I was driving home decided that I would make my own space out here on the internet to post pictures of bathroom graffiti (the good, the bad, and yes, the ugly) that I happen to run into that I find interesting. Who knows? There could be a huge number of posts, there might not be any. I will have a cohort on this blog, my fiance in crime will be contributing pictures and her take on them as well (we need the graffiti from the women's bathrooms across the world as well, not just the guys). Hey, maybe you'll find this stuff funny, and possibly it might spur some discussion about issues that we do find on the walls of the bathrooms we visit, let's just start posting some pictures, and we'll see where it heads from there. OK? OK indeed.


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