Thursday, July 27, 2006

From work...

OK, I admit it. This is not some random scribbling on a wall in a bathroom somewhere. This comes from the stalls in the main bathrooms at the place of employment, and somedays when I'm sitting there reflecting on life, and taking my morning and or afternoon sabbatical (sometimes both in the same day of course) I look up, and see this sign in front of me. Now, the paper towels part of things, I can understand this. People might just throw some paper towels in there and hit the handle and let 'er rip, but gloves and rags? I got the story about this from people that have worked there longer than me. It appears that in the past, some folks had this bad habit of taking off their work gloves, and or their work rags, and dropping them into the can, and flushing them away into oblivion, which they flushed fine, but what these folks didn't know was that downstream in the sewer main, the pipes got clogged. When the pipes got clogged, the mains backed up, and when the mains backed up, the town of Timberlake had to do a little excavation to clear out the clog. Which cost the old company, plenty of dollars in the end, because what did they find in the sewer main that did the clogging? Rags and gloves, from the assembly facility. Ah, good times right there, very good times. This makes me wonder; what kind of asshole would place pairs of gloves, and or many rags into the toilets, and flush them away? I mean, you're intelligence level has to be about ground level for you to do something like this. And to even think that as grown adults, you need to have a sign in your workplace bathroom telling you NOT to flush these things is truly amazing to me really. Truly, and utterly amazing. When you spend as much time in bathrooms as I do, you have plenty of time to ponder such amazing things that can happen within said bathrooms.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stumbled on this from several links overlapping several blogs starting with Mark Hekman's blog, and thought it was a scream. Thank God for nervous hyperlink clicking syndrome

August 07, 2006 2:44 PM  
Blogger giantcu92 said...

Thanks for dropping in. Haven't added anything new and exciting lately, but that time is coming.

August 12, 2006 9:33 AM  
Blogger My Two Cents said...

I am sending you a great sign you must post to your new blog. tomorrow night, check your email!

August 13, 2006 4:56 PM  

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