Sunday, June 17, 2007


Sometimes you're sitting in the can, and you don't have anything else to do. You're sitting there, waiting to break one off, and get the duty done, but it just won't flow so what do you do?

Apparently from this drawing I found, you're not supposed to spank it while sitting in a stall somewhere in a public bathroom. Lest we forget the lessons learned from George Michael and his escapades in public bathrooms, maybe this is some good advice. You know what I mean? 

This of course does not prevent a friend of mine from spanking it in a public bathroom just about any chance that he gets. OK, maybe not every chance that he gets, but he claims to have spanked it in every bathroom at every place he's ever worked. Now that's some sort of record right there. His normal MO is to roll into work, day one, take a morning sabbatical, and take care of business while sitting in the stall (and if you haven't figured it out yet, we're not talking about the normal business one does in bathrooms). Yeah, I have a stellar bunch of friends. Reprehensible in many different ways, but nice in others. No really, they actually are good people.

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