Sunday, May 04, 2008

I have this friend...

I have this friend. I won't name him, as I've named friends of mine in other blogs, and in other postings, and that only got me into trouble with said friends. It's a sad story I know, but it happens.

Anyway, I have this friend. I talk to him on the phone on a fairly regular basis. Inevitably during our conversations, he'll stop whatever it is he's saying, and go silent for a few seconds. The next words out of his mouth are then, "Hold on. Someone wants to talk to you..." And then, he'll place the mouthpiece of whatever phone he's currently using near his anal opening, and rip a loud and boisterous fart into the phone. Me being a man, it never fails to make me laugh.

This got me thinking though. After he does that, he has to keep using the phone, both with me, and later after we stop talking. How long does the fart particles hang out on the mouthpiece of the phone? How long does the smell stick around and make the gag reflex come into effect when you're speaking to someone else. He being in customer service, this has got to be problem. Ah, well, probably isn't for him, but I would think that there is a possibility that at some point in time, you could make yourself gag, and you COULD make yourself vomit into your phone, at which point in time, you should probably just get rid of that particular phone no doubt.

These are the things I think of when I speak to my friends. It's hard being 30 something, and acting just like we were 12. I take that back, it's not hard, it's kind of fun.

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